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  • Canine Parvovirus-Coronavirus Antigen Test Kit

    Canine Parvovirus-Coronavirus Antigen Test Kit

    10 Tests Inclus

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    La description

    Principles: Le parvovirus canin-Coronavirus Antigen Test Kit est un immuno-essai chromatographique pour la détection qualitative de parvovirus canin (CPV) antigen and Coronavirus (CCV) antigen in canine feces.

    La performance du test: In large scale studies using several hundreds clinical samples, Parvovirus canin-coronavirus antigène Kit de test a été comparé à la PCR, a reference standard technique used by diagnostic labs, for detection of CPV and CCV antigens; the sensitivity and specificity were 100% for CPV antigen detection compared to PCR; the sensitivity was 93.1% and the specificity was 97.5% for CCV antigen detection compared to PCR. In a field trial study taking place at multiple veterinary clinics in the United-States, the sensitivity and specificity were 100% compared to PCR for CPV antigen detection.

    Le kit est livré avec 10 tests.

    Information additionnelle

    Nombre de tests
