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  • Trousse de Détection d' Antigène du Ver du Coeur Chez le Chien

    Trousse de Détection d' Antigène du Ver du Coeur Chez le Chien


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    La description

    Dirofilariose chez les chiens et les chats est un helminthiases causée par Dirofilaria immitis, un parasite transmis par les piqûres de moustiques les.

    Principles: Le Canine Heartworm antigène Photo est un immuno-essai chromatographique pour la détection qualitative de Dirofilaria immitis antigène en sérum, plasma, ou sang total du chien.

    La performance du test: Two large scale studies using 109 samples in the first and 174 in the second were conducted. The sensitivity was 96.4% and the specificity was 100% in the first study; the sensitivity was 94.4% and the specificity was 100% in the second study. In a multicentric field trial study conducted in the US, the sensitivity and specificity were found to be 100%. In a study conducted using samples obtained from animals for which adult male worms alone or mixed with adolescent worms, but without any adult female worms, were recovered at necropsy, the sensitivity was 100%.